Natural History Training Session for VIC Volunteers:
Winter Botany
Sunday, 22 February 2015
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Beech leaves (19 February 2014). Photo by Tom Boothe. Used by permission.

Join VIC Naturalist Brian McAllister for a snowshoe walk, as we explore the forest and wetland plants and learn the identification of last summer’s wildflowers, ferns, and other plant life. We’ll also learn to identify some trees by their bud formations and leaf scars.
Snowshoes will be required and are available to rent at the VIC. The program runs from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. Please dress appropriately for outdoor activity. Free to all VIC Volunteers..
- William K. Chapman, et al. Wildflowers of New York in Color (Syracuse University Press, 1998).
- William K. Chapman and Alan E. Bessette. Trees and Shrubs of the Adirondacks: A Field Guide (North Country Books, 1990).
- Meiyin Wu and Dennis Kalma. Wetland Plants of the Adirondacks. Ferns, Woody Plants, and Graminoids (Trafford Publishing, 2010).
- Meiyin Wu and Dennis Kalma. Wetland Plants of the Adirondacks. Herbaceous Plants and Aquatic Plants (Trafford Publishing, 2010).
- Anne McGrath. Wildflowers of the Adirondacks (EarthWords, 1981, 2000).
- Gil Nelson, Christopher J. Earle, and Richard Spellenberg. Trees of Eastern North America (Princeton : Princeton University Press).
- Boughton Cobb, et. al. A Field Guide to Ferns and their Related Families. Northeastern and Central North America (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2005).
- Donald D. Cox. A Naturalist's Guide to Wetland Plants. An Ecology for Eastern North America (Syracuse University Press, 2002), pp. 1-11, 64-93.
- John Eastman. Swamp and Bog. Trees, Shrubs, and Wildflowers of Eastern Freshwater Wetlands (Stackpole Books, 1995).
- Paul A. Keddy. Wetland Ecology. Principles and Conservation (Cambridge University Press, 2010).
- Ellen Rathbone, "Adirondack Tree Identification 102," The Adirondack Almanack, 18 November 2009. Retrieved 30 January 2015.